HAIvia Dashboard Enhancements and Safe@ Home Initiaitve

Throughout HAIvia's history, the company has expanded its offerings and capitalized on new technologies to exceed our evolving client needs. We've made customer-focused continuous improvements, adding more features and improved visualizations. In addition to product enhancements, we are pleased to announce our participation in the Safe@Home Initiative. In cooperation with EVS Protects, DocuFi, P3iD and Healthcare Infections Transmission System (HITS) Consortium, we are offering a collection of valuable information, resources and technology tools to help everyone get through these challenging times with COVID-19 (Coronavirus). »More


HAIvia: One of the 20 Most Promising Data Analytics Solution Providers-CIO Review

The company was chosen by CIOReview as a leading data analytics organization pioneering in healthcare-associated infection (HAI) prevention solutions.The panel focused on providers that exhibit competence in building solutions and services that can effectively yet economically account for advanced, effective data analytics. HAIvia’s inclusion further validates the company’s strategic transformation to a visual data analytics company and the importance of turning a healthcare facility’s disparate infection prevention data into breakthrough value that results in improved patient outcomes and financial reimbursements. »Read the Article


Influencer Analytics Platform with a Visual Dashboard Developed

Influencer management involves the data mining and visualization of data from Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and other social platforms. With internally developed and third-party components, HAIvia's data visualization technology was enhanced to provide a leading influencer management provider for the Pet branding markets. With clients including Mercedes Benz, Target, Taylor Swift, and many others, our client has become a leader with the help of our talent and brand management visualization tools.


HAIvia Dashboard Chosen for 500 Hospitals

HAIvia Dashboard selected as analytics platform for over 500 US Hospitals. Services include selected line of business and learning management integration. Executives and environmental services managers at a large healthcare management company quickly saw the value of HAIvia Dashboard’s integrated learning management system (LMS) that allowed the company to test its staff’s initial competency, target retraining based on performance and set periodic reevaluation.


Visual Data Analytics for HAI Prevention Introduced

DocuFi introduced its Visual Data Analytics platform for HAI (healthcare-associated infection) prevention. With HAIvia Dashboard users can view key performance indicators from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services along with their own integrated data to visually detect problems and react with the aim of improving their performance and lowering HAI rates.


DocuFi Invests in Dashboard Development for Infection Prevention

With DocuFi's robust history in document and information management including data mining and database development, advancing into visual analytics solutions was a natural fit for the company. With internally developed and third-party components, DocuFi's dashboard technology addresses visual delivery of key performance indicators including training, facilities management, purchasing data, and employee reporting into a seamless dashboard analytics system. DocuFi spun off this development as HAIvia, LLC.

2010 to Present

Continuous Innovation of Document Capture and Data Mining

Continuous innovation and rapid transformation have been themes throughout DocuFi's history. DocuFi continues to develop innovative document capture and data mining solutions from low-cost easy-to-use solutions for PDF processing to enterprise, level batch processing of company documents. Inventive solutions for privacy auditing and redaction, document comparison, and user driven graphical dashboard interface are a few of our outstanding steps forward. 


DocuFi Document Capture and Data Mining is Born

DocuFi, founded in 2010, focusing on ImageRamp™ family of Document Capture and Data Mining solutions. The ImageRamp series provides for simple walk-up scanning, indexing and search retrieval. ImageRamp works with clients' existing TWAIN compatible scanners to build a searchable database, name files using barcodes and mined data, index to XML or CSV and much more. »See Our Experienced Team